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Wednesday Whine To Return: Possibly

Wine, wine and more wine. Red wine, white wine, rosé, sparkling... you get the picture. And whining and general misery... and a competition. It's win, win!!!
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Loyal City Life fans may recall GG’s whine related rantings back many moons ago. Well, now Covid is a mere blob on a big pharma petri dish, there are rumblings The Wednesday W(h)ine may return in the not to distant future. Watch this space.

Wednesday Wine City Life Cardiff
In the meantime, if you need to be reminded of the vitriol that spewed forth last time, click here. And, if you have any suggestions, please don’t hesitate to send them across to and pop Fao GG in the subject bar. Hmmm, quite a cool name for a wine bar: The Subject Bar! perhaps not, I’ll get me coat.

Or maybe just “Subject”, and then you point out it’s a subject bar… hmmmph, tumbleweed.

Why do we say “possibly” up there in the title? Not sure really. It’ll happen – just need to get the typewriter out and pop a cork. It’ll definitely start to flow then.

Oh, and there’ll be a competition to win the wines. Ah, that woke you up.

Positive, positive…
Oh dear. No, we mustn’t say “positive”, someone may get triggered. Too many unhappy Covid memories. Oh well… #cough

PS. Remember The Wednesday W(h)ine is copyright and all that malarkey.

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